Added important Legacy of Calico Early Man Archaeological Project Presentation
Provided by Fred E. Budinger, Jr., access 'Calico Project' tab in the site menu.
Our purpose is to provide information about Calico Early Man Site, it's history and archaeological studies.
The organization, Friends of Calico Early Man Site, Inc., that originally developed the Calico Site has become no longer viable, organization info on this site is for historical purposes only.
There remains an important story to tell concerning this important quarry site and the Manix Basin. We have removed most of the social activity pages that displayed the often vibrant "Dig-weekends" and other ongoing activities of Friends of Calico. We will now focus of the archaeologic, geologic and other related studies involved with the millenia of human activity at the site. Stay tuned...

CEMS is located about 15 miles northeast of Barstow, California, off Interstate 15. From the Minneola Road exit, follow the signs north about two miles on graded dirt roads to the site.
Schedule of Operation
Note: Field Work Weekends are currently suspended
Legacy Contact:
Friends of Calico Early Man Site, Inc.
270 E Virginia Way
Barstow, CA 92312
(760) 256-5452