We Are...

... the concerned citizens of Yucca Valley, CA who do not want marijuana businesses of ANY kind in our beautiful desert community.
Yucca Valley is a beautiful bedroom community nestled in the hills above Palm Springs, CA. We are known for our four seasons, gorgeous desert scenery featuring unique Joshua trees, clear night skies great for star gazing, and much, much more. We have limited industrial and commercial areas, choosing to focus on service industries supporting the millions of annual visitors to Joshua Tree National Park. We are family-oriented and pride ourselves on providing safe places and a great quality of life for our children to live and grow into responsible, values-oriented citizens.

A Little History...

As far back as 2009 a pot entrepreneur was talking about bringing medical marijuana facilities into our Town. He even brought in a “big money backer” to try to make this a reality. The conversation continued until, finally, in 2015 it was brought to a vote of the people, who resoundingly voted it down. Subsequently, an ordinance was passed banning medical marijuana businesses, grow facilities, and deliveries within the Town of Yucca Valley. With the passage of Proposition 64 in 2017 the Town updated their ordinance to comply with the new laws, but still prohibited and restricted medical and recreational marijuana businesses/dispensaries, manufacturing, cultivation and distribution/delivery.
Now these same “big money” individuals want to continue the fight to bring commercial marijuana growing and manufacturing into Yucca Valley. This is their attempt to get their foot in the door. They have made empty promises and outright lies as to how this will “benefit” our Town. We are a group of modern-day “Davids” fighting a rich “Goliath”. We beat them once before and we will beat them again.


We believe there is already a glut of marijuana-focused businesses in the lower desert communities, and they will not be productive here. Don’t believe the lies that this will bring huge revenues to the Town or pay for the sewer project, etc. Please support our efforts to defeat Measure __ by making a donation. If you are a registered voter in the Town of Yucca Valley, we urge you to VOTE “NO” on Measure __ on June 5, 2018. (Absentee ballots will be mailed to voters on May 9, 2018.)