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CALM USA Website
We are a dedicated group of individuals, parents, business owners, medical professionals, crime and safety officials, young and old - all working to defeat the legalization of marijuana in California and other targeted states.

Donation Link
We need your help! CALM is an all volunteer Political Action Committee dedicated to defeating any effort to legalize Marijuana. Please join us by Donating Today!

Take Action
You no doubt have seen reports of marijuana legalization in several US states. Over a decade ago, drug legalizers created a strategy to legalize marijuana by first; getting it identified as medicine, getting it normalized in society, and then getting it legalized for “recreational” use. Only a few of us were aware of that strategy then, but we all have seen this strategy played out in recent years. Legalizing marijuana would be a serious mistake. Right now less than 5% of Americans live in a state that has legalized pot. If California were to fall that number would jump to 18%. The damage to our society from “Big Tobacco” would pale in comparison to what would happen with a “Big Marijuana” industry that is already primed to act.

Who is With Us
The DEA and the federal government are not alone in viewing smoked marijuana as having no documented medical value. Voices in the medical community likewise do not accept smoked marijuana as medicine.

Calm Blog
Stay in the know with the latest on our fight against the legalization of marijuana. Have an article that you would like us to post? Share it on our Facebook page!

Frequent Questions
Review this pdf to answer some of your questions.