Why am I a candidate for Town Council?

A year ago, when friends suggested that I consider running for local election in 2018, I quickly dismissed the idea thinking that if anything, I would volunteer to work on someone else’s campaign as I have done in the past. But as time passed, I recognized that my background, interests and experiences lend themselves pretty well toward what I would look for in a Councilmember.

I have had a front row seat to the workings of almost all of Yucca Valley’s Town Councils over the years since incorporation. I have participated in the development and oversight of the Town’s annual budget, have overseen various grant programs, served as staff liaison to Town Commissions and Committees, and have been responsible for several Town departments including parks, recreation, museum, public facilities, road maintenance, animal control, and community relations.

I have an understanding of the workings of our local government, and also of the relationships between the Town and other agencies. I believe the Town Council and staff have done and continue to do an excellent job of keeping our community safe, managing our tax dollars responsibly, prioritizing programs and projects, and maintaining productive partnerships with community groups and other governmental entities.

I believe that there is considerable value to seamless transitions in organizational leadership. As such, I feel that I can readily assimilate and become a productive Councilmember with a minimum of disruption or lost time. I am proud of our town and the people who regularly step up to make it better. I am ready and would be honored to take my turn as a member of the Yucca Valley Town Council.

Upcoming Events

Follow this link for upcoming events where you will can ask Jim questions.
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My Positions

Discover where I stand on our important Yucca Valley issues.
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Register to Vote

We have posted San Bernardino County voter registration information.
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