About InfoQuest Foundation
The InfoQuest Foundation has dissolved as of January 2015.
Scientific Research
InfoQuest Foundation conducts and funds original scientific research to acquire a greater and deeper understanding of life and nature.
The Foundation continues to support field expeditions and related research in Argentina, Mongolia and Montana. In 1997, our researchers discovered a remarkable field of dinosaur fossils in the badlands of Patagonia; that research is continuing. That discovery was so important that it was featured in the November, 1998 issue of Nature and a photo essay in the December, 1998 issue of National Geographic.
In cooperation with the Mongolian Academy of Science and the American Museum of Natural History, InfoQuest helped to support the 1997 and 1998 expeditions to the Gobi Desert of Mongolia to map important fossil-bearing geological rock units. These expeditions have discovered exquisitely preserved new fossils that help fill gaps in our knowledge about the evolutionary transition between birds and dinosaurs, and the early evolution of mammals.
Work has continued in Montana, with funding from InfoQuest, to refine the time scale in North America for the end of the Age of the Dinosaurs and the beginning of the Age of the Mammals.
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